Laws and regulations differ from one state to another in Australia. International students arriving in a new country with an unfamiliar set of laws and regulations will surely make them feel like they do not belong. Following the rules will not only keep you safe and sound but also will teach you how to abide by different systems at different places.
Students Driving in Australia
Having a driving license in Australia is actually not a tiresome process since there is an international driver's license in Australia that any student can obtain. The left side of the road is the one used for driving in Australia, so if you come from a country that had the right side as the driving one, you will feel like the world has flipped upside down. It is essential to know which way the traffic is flowing before driving in any foreign country. Habit conquers one's mind, so concentrate that you do not automatically deviate to the right side of the road. Traffic lights in Australia follow international standards; however, studying all road signs in Australia will ease driving for you.
There is a national scheme used in Australia that gives ‘demerit points’ to drivers who commit traffic offences, and when they reach a specific amount, they undergo penalties. Some of the offences that can gain you one of these points are drunk driving, speeding, not wearing the seat belt, talking on a mobile while driving, or violating any of the traffic, road, or safe Australian road rules.