Mon - Sat 9.00 - 18.00
Smart Study(HEAD OFFICE) Tower SCO:- 24, Model Town Extension,Ludhiana

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By studying abroad students earn more than just a degree. They earn an unforgettable experience for life along with that they get foreign exposure on their resume that can help them get their dream job or dream career.

Choosing the right country always depend on three things. First, Which country has the most quality education in the field you choose Second, Which country is most affordable for you with that kind of education Third, Which country's visa and other documentation process are smoother to get in for you without getting rejected and without wasting your resources.

Every country and every university offers many scholarships to international students. And yes, If you have adequate documentation and you stand in their eligibility criteria then you can get a scholarship for your higher studies abroad.

Every country and its universities have their documentation checklist that you must follow. You can get in touch with us today to get detailed information on that.

After getting accepted into a foreign university then you are clear to apply for that country's visa for arrival. You can get in touch with us to get a full visa document checklist for your preferred country.

Yes, You can work abroad while you study but only for limited hours per week. Most of the countries allow students to work on partial hours on their student visa itself.

You can take easy loans from the bank on your education and also for more convenience you can even get in touch with SmartStudy for that matter, We will help your raising resources to fund your stay abroad for higher education.

You can claim your free of cost consulting session with us today. You just have to register your query on this website itself or call on given numbers to book your appointment to get all your queries answered by experts in this field.